越南最盛大新創大賽 Startup Wheel 開始申請囉!立即加入拓展國際市場

創業資源 | 2022-05-15

越南最盛大新創大賽 Startup Wheel 開始申請囉!立即加入拓展國際市場

越南最盛大新創大賽 Startup Wheel 由越南Business Startup Support Center (BSSC) 和Young Businesspeople Association (YBA)所舉辦,經過 9 年的越南創業生態系統建設,Startup Wheel 已幫助超過 1,000 家頂級創業公司在越南和該地區擴展業務。

在 Startup Wheel,新創團隊將可通過一系列活動與潛在客戶、合作夥伴、行業領先者和投資者建立聯繫,獲得充足的資源壯大企業,Startup Wheel 2022 歡迎來自世界各地對越南和東南亞市場的新創團隊一同參與!



截止日期:2022 年 5 月 27 日




Startup Wheel 2022 is finally back!

After 9 years of building the Vietnam startup ecosystem, Startup Wheel has helped +1,000 Top startups scale their business in Vietnam and the region. At Startup Wheel, most potential startups will be spotlighted and connected with Potential Customers, Business Partners, Industry Leaders, and Leading Investors through a series of activities and events. 

Vietnam is one of the most dynamic emerging countries in the East Asia region with a digital population of 72.10 million internet users, and one of the rare economies having a positive GDP growth rate by 2020 and 2021. Vietnam is also a gateway to expanding your business to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and other countries in Southeast Asia.

Let’s be part of Startup Wheel 2022 - A launchpad to expand your business to Vietnam market.


Apply now: https://startupwheel.vn/en/

Deadline: 27 May 2022



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