創業資源 | 2021-11-10
徵求想要提升國際視野的你、對於創業有興趣的朋友、想要前進國際市場的新創公司!本講座將分享新創拓展海外時,會面臨的相關挑戰和解決方式。以創投、加速器、新創公司三種觀點討論新創擴展海外市場大小事 ,協助大家了解更廣闊的市場所帶來的機會與風險。新創企業要如何前進海外?要如何組成跨國團隊?要注意什麼細節和做什麼準備?這場活動我們很榮幸邀請到 華陽創投的營運合夥人-呂緗柔 Cami Lu、微軟雲端開發平台-資深產品經理- 何諺錡 Micheal Ho、VU Venture Partners-Venture Fellow- 張鈺惠 Evy Chang 一同交流,人才對接、市場開發、國際資本市場等等,讓我們一起成長、跨越創業的種種挑戰!
----------------------------------------English Below--------------------------------------------------
Online Seminar - International Development for Startups
Date: Nov. 24th, 2021 (Wed)
Time: 14:00-16:15 (GMT+8)
Please click here to register. The event will be held in English and the live video link will be sent to the participants 3 days before the seminar.
Startup 101, Operation Partner/ CEO - Cami Lu
VU Venture Partners , Venture Fellow - Evy Chang
Microsoft Azure DevEx Engineering Team, Senior Program Manager- Michael Ho
Overseas Expansion for Startups: Talents, Market Development, International Investment Market (Focus on startups in IoT, AR/VR, AI sectors)
- International Talent Acquisition
- Collaborate with Coprates Overseas for International Market
- Insights from International Accelerators: Key Factors for Startup Investment
- Startup Cases Discussion: IoT, AR/VR, AI Sectors
The organizer reserves the right to modify, change, and cancel the event.
Adviser: National Development Council
Organizer: Sunsino Venture Group, Startup lsland Taiwan、Startup 101, Sunino Innovation Tech
Co-Organizer: 中華民國新創發展協會